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NinjaTrader is an open source system, much like the MetaTrader 4 (MT4) platform. The difference is that whilst MT4 attracts mainly forex day traders, NinjaTrader is also popular amongst futures day traders. You can run NinjaTrader on Mac OS, Windows, and Linux if you port it over. NinjaTrader 8 Featuring extensive forex functionality, the brand-new NinjaTrader 8 is an industry leader in the provision of advanced analytics, charting and automation capabilities. If you are interested in increasing potential opportunity in the forex, NinjaTrader can help take market analysis and order execution to the next level. NinjaTrader Brokerage is an online futures broker providing access to the NinjaTrader with Continuum futures trading platform. As a registered futures broker, NinjaTrader Brokerage delivers online emini futures and commodity trading brokerage services, managed futures trading and futures trading education for online futures and commodities day traders. The content on this YouTube channel is managed by NinjaTrader, LLC (“NT”), a software development company which owns and supports all proprietary technology

The content on this YouTube channel is managed by NinjaTrader, LLC (“NT”), a software development company which owns and supports all proprietary technology

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